I have always loved camping and growing up, that's about the only vacations we went on. However to truly experience the adventures of my childhood camping trips, you would have to imagine that National Lampoon came out with a new movie called Camping Vacation. Just imagine all the laughs, adventures, and misfortunes that the Griswald family would incur if they went on a camping trip.
Our most memorable camping trip was taking a homemade RV (converted old bread truck) to Florida and camping out in the middle of an old abandoned orange grove - only so we could get free tickets to Sea World! Or nearly getting kicked out of a few lake campgrounds because my Daddy always wanted to take the camper down early to get the best spot on the lake. When we saw the movie trailer for Robin Williams' movie RV, our family didn't need to go to the movie theater to see the movie - WE LIVED IT!! Oh, but what memories Jamey, Lori, and myself have from those nearly disaster, but absolutely fun vacations!!
Now it was our turn to finally take our kids on their 1st camping trip and help to build their childhood memories. Who knew packing for two little people would require so much more room and effort? Normally, I pack a little each night up to the day we pull out to head to the lake. This year, the trip was pretty much thrown together in a whirlwind. Between working overtime at work and barely getting home in time to get the kids fed, bathed, and put down for the night, there was no time left to put the clothes and food in the camper. Thank goodness for Jody! He was a lifesaver. I basically got everything together, left it in camper, and he put things up in the cabinets and closets for me.
We were to stay 5 nights at the lake so that meant taking at least 10 sets of clothes and 3 sets of pj's for each of them. Plus a pack of pull-ups and diapers (and wipes!). Not to mention all the sippy cups, food items (lots of milk, bananas, and yogurt!) that the kids would need. On top of all the stuff we packed on the insid
e, we also carried their wagon, riding toys, floats, etc. Thank goodness my parents (their Grammy and Pop), who camped in the spot next to us - carried toys, life jackets, a swimming pool, and lots of sand toys themselves.
Rhyne and Jake loved playing in the sand despite us trying to get them to sit on a foam mat or something. Instead they always ended up sitting down in the sand and getting completely dirty/sandy! Kids will be kids! We all had lots of fun with all the family that went camping - Grammy, Pop, Uncle Jamey, Aunt Amy, Aunt Lori, Melinda, Nana, Papa, Uncle Harold, Aunt Francis, and Rhyne and Jake's two favorite cousins - Camryn and Gracie! We even had old fashion popcorn popped right over the campfire and yummy marshmallows roasted to a perfect golden brown over the campfire. And Aunt Lori polished Rhyne's toenails, which she was sure to show off to everyone!!
They enjoyed riding on Pop's boat, and going swimming! Jake liked it way more than Rhyne - again, she can be a little dramatic at times! I foresee Jake being the class clown in school and a lifeguard during the Summer. He has such a comical personality, and a strong longing to always being in the water.
He has also learned the phrase "I'm the boss", in which he holds up his fist - guess who taught him that? Yep, Uncle Jamey!
Rhyne is a little more less enthused about the water. She's very good to wear her earplugs(which by the way her adenoid surgery and tubes went absoulutely wonderful!!!!) and life jacket, but she wants to start crying if the water gets above her knees. On our last day of swimming, she finally got to the point where she wanted to be brave and do some of the things that Jake did. Maybe when we go back for the 4th of July weekend, she'll be more comfortable in the water.