Thought it was about time to give updates.
First and foremost, my Mom's cancer treatment has been unremarkable. She has completed her 6 weeks of chemo & radiation (worked everyday through it all might I add!), and has been an inspiration to her doctors. She never lost her hair nor was too terribly sick. She started getting a little sore from the radiation towards the end of treatment, and continues to hurt in that area. When she went for her visit to her surgeon, he was amazed! In his words, " he has never seen anything like it in all his years of practice". Her large tumor has shrunk to the size of a small ulcer!!! She's scheduled for surgery on July 11th and they will know then if her colostomy bag will be permanent or temporary. Either way, the cancer soon will be gone!
Rock Farms is growing everyday. Our ol' 49ers (chickens) are no longer babies and soon will need to separate the roosters from the hens. The young roosters are so cute in developing their crow! The pigs are now hogs! Two of them are so big they just enjoy rolling in the mud. Our rooster, Mr. Sunshine, is no more. Something (fox, hawk, stray cat) obviously got him while we were away camping. To be honest, it's been kind of hard to wake up each morning without hearing him crow. And Zoe is just the cutest and friendliest puppy!! She is already loving the farming life.
Our fruit trees are growing! Maybe in a couple of years we'll have apples, peaches, plums, cherries, apricots, nectarines, pears, and pecans! We've also just set out some blueberry bushes, blackberry vines (the thornless, tame variety), and muscadine vines. We're hoping to add grape vines in the Fall. Last week we planted our pumpkin patch. I really hope they turn out well.
The kids are now on their 3rd week of the new daycare and seem to be adjusting very well!! It is so much easier on me too! We get home a 1/2 hour earlier and I'm saving 30 miles a day!! We're off to the lake again for a few days of camping next week - yippee!! Then, my new little niece should make her arrival on 07/07/07 and Mama's surgery on 07/11/07 - should be 2 lucky days, huh?
BTW - I'm trying to stick with song titles for my posts. We'll see how many I can come up with!
Hope everyone is having a great Summer!!